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Master Program in Physics

 Master Program in Physics

MS program of the Physics Department requires a minimum of 21 credit-hours of at least 7 courses to be completed, plus seminar course and the master thesis. Students in each field will take the following courses:

A. Compulsory Courses

  1. PHYS500 Thesis
  2. PHYS511 Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists-I
  3. PHYS521 Classical Mechanics-I
  4. PHYS522 Electromagnetic Theory-I 
  5. PHYS551 Quantum Mechanics-I
  6. PHYS598 Seminar

B. At Least Two or More Postgraduate Courses from the Following List

  1. PHYS5XX Any Physics Postgraduate Course (either from the existed ones or from the ones   to be opened in the future)
  2. MATHXXX Any Relevant Mathematics Postgraduate Course
  3. COMPXXX Any Relevant Computer Postgraduate Course
  4. CHEMXXX Any Relevant Chemistry Postgraduate Course
  5. Any Relevant Engineering Postgraduate Course
  6. GRAD501 Graduate Research Skills in Science and Engineering

An elective “undergraduate course” can be selected by the student under the guidance of her/his thesis supervisor(s) and upon approval of the Department Chair. This course can be selected from the undergraduate programs offered by the Departments of Mathematics and Biology and by the Faculty of Engineering.

During the application, applicants who want to join the ms program of physics department are encouraged to indicate the faculty member whose her/his RESEARCH SUBJECTS attract the attention of the applicant.

Also you can see the QUICK GUIDE for physics MS program.