Our Mission
One of the primary responsibilities of the Physics and Chemistry Departments is to educate the next generation of scientists, engineers and scientifically informed citizenry through research-intensive education in the physical and chemical sciences. In these days of rapid advances in science and technology, we are also faced with the fact that advances require interdisciplinary approaches i.e. many advances in science and technology are not within one discipline but, occur at the boundaries of many disciplines. We are addressing these complexities by requiring senior level specialty courses, which by their very nature require interdisciplinary approaches.
To maintain our leadership in the forefront of scientific research such as: gravitation and astrophysical research, quantum computing and optical sciences, liquid crystals, biophysics, material science, photovoltaic, polymer, etc. we continue our research efforts in the direction of theoretical physics, applications of basic principles of physics and chemistry, and the development of new science. Please come and join us.
Our Vision
We connect the brightest minds of each generation, and promote strong links not only to academia, but also to the corporate world. The undergraduate and graduate education must be in harmony with pioneering scientific research, having both basic and advanced courses taught by acknowledged scholars in the pertinent fields of research. Our students and staff share a passion for new discoveries and are given the freedom to be both creative and critical.